“What Christmas Means to Me”
Christmas has a different meaning to everyone. For some, it’s presents and parties and good food. For others, it’s the vast variety of Christmas music and activities. Maybe for you it’s in slowly preparing, every day, for the celebration of Jesus’s birth.
Take some time this Christmas season to figure out what Christmas means to you. Is it the decorations? The fun? The giving?
Sit down with a pen, some paper, and your favorite hot drink. Go over what’s made Christmas special to you in the past few years. Make a list of all the things that have meant something to you.
Here are a few things that make the Christmas season meaningful to me:
Every year, my family and I participate in Advent together. We try to make the time every day to go through a devotional and chat a bit about our thoughts on Christmas.
Christmas Caroling
For the past few years, my church has gone Christmas caroling in one of our neighborhoods. It’s always cold, but it’s worth the joyful smiles that light up on people’s faces when they open their door and we start singing.
Special Ornaments
Every year when we put up our Christmas tree, our parents give me and my sisters (and each other) a special ornament to represent everyone’s year. It’s a beloved tradition, and this way when we all move on and have our own Christmas trees, we’ll have some ornaments to start off with.
Special Christmas Breakfast
Every Christmas morning, we have baked oatmeal for breakfast before any present-opening. We all sit down and enjoy a hot breakfast with juicy baked apple slices.
Make Christmas special this year. Figure out what it means to you and then celebrate it. This is a time of joy, happiness, and love. Don’t forget to revel in it. May you and yours have the loveliest Christmas!