The cool brisk air has intruded on Summer's heat announcing that Fall is now upon us. The shift of weather signals a shift within us as well. From the relaxed and carefree freedom of Summer to the structure and routine regiments of Fall. While there is a certain comfort and beauty that comes with routine, the pressure of expectations can create stress. So, how can we learn to enjoy this new season? We've put together a few tips to help you savor the season of Harvest.....
Slowly Add Tasks
Summer is usually a season of easing up on routines and taking on a more relaxed schedule. Then in the Fall we reintroduce all of our responsibilities all at once. This can easily lead to burnout and make you feel overwhelmed. Instead of adding in your tasks all at once, try to slowly add them in week by week. This will ease the stress that each task might bring and allow you freedom to enjoy the present. Go slow and allow yourself the time needed to get acclimated to your new routine. Be patient and give yourself the grace needed to adjust.
Stay In The Now
In today’s world it’s all too easy to get distracted from what’s truly important. Wherever you go, and whatever you do, you see messages designed to get you to perform a specific action and distract you. When we are distracted we lose the ability to enjoy what is in front of us. By staying in the present moment were are able to focus on the task at hand. Being in the moment dramatically reduces stress, increases our happiness, and allows us to appreciate our present surroundings.
Have Fun
Who said the fun had to stop once Summer was over? Planning a fun Fall adventure with your family or friends is a great way to relax and enjoy the beautiful colors of Autumn. Focusing on the unique activities and festive elements that each season brings will help us to enjoy and appreciate the moment rather than merely surviving the seasons we are less inclined to savor.
Do Your Best And Forget The Rest
As the Season progresses our days are filled with an abundance of pressures. We are bombarded with notation that we must excel at everything we do. Trying to reach a state of perfection is impossible and only robs us of or energy. Instead aim to be your best self, in every moment of every day, and don’t worry about the rest. This might look different every day and even more different than those around you, but you’re unique, and that is what makes you authentically beautiful.
Follow Your Passions
When you follow your passions you will start to notice that everything around you becomes more enjoyable. No matter the season, if you take the time to work on something you love, you will find joy. Find what makes you passionate and incorporate it into your daily routine.
This season seek to enjoy and appreciate the harvest of Fall by letting go of condemnation and letting praise enter your heart. No matter the circumstances, remember that your worth isn't based on your accomplishments. You are worthy because you are unique and wonderfully made!