“When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” C.S. Lewis
As children, being curious and having a sense of wonder wasn’t only easy; it was a natural part of who we were. We were affluent in curiosity, and wonder. However, as we grew older we somehow lost our sense of play and the ability to let our imagination lead us. As adults, our days our now filled with responsibilities and disappointments that have slowly tainted us. Long gone are the days of playing dress up, climbing trees and making imaginary friends.
Instead we have been conditioned to believe that we must suppress our childlike tendencies, abandon our imagination, and forgo our sense of wonder and awe. Our society perceives play as unproductive and petty; and tells us we must instead chase popularity, affluence and riches. However, play is as important and meaningful in adulthood, as it is in childhood. Play brings us happiness and fills our hearts with love. Play is essential for problem solving, creativity and building relationships. So, how do we translate the intrinsic and valuable qualities of playfulness into adulthood? How can play, curiosity and wonder be a part of every day? We're sharing a few of our favorite ways that as an adult, you can reconnect to your playful spirit....
1. Take a stroll through your local library or bookstore and pick out a couple of your favorite kid books to sit and read in the store.
2. Turn your favorite song up loud in the kitchen and dance. Let go of your inhibitions and enjoy yourself without worrying about what others think.
3. Eat like a kid for a day—PB&J, Mac and Cheese, Eggo waffles, Lucky Charms, whatever you loved when you were young and carefree.
4. Build a cushion fort in your living room. Let your creative side guide you and revisit a hobby from your childhood that felt exciting and fun.
5. Have a pillow fight. A really fun way to recreate a much loved activity from your youth!
6. Draw a picture and don’t worry about what it looks like. Let your creative juices flow and don’t let other's opinions influence you.
7. Race a colleague up the stairs. A simple – and quick – way to release endorphins and encourage an office giggle.
8. Wear mis-matched socks, or a top that doesn’t match your skirt or pants. Dare to be fun and crazy—free your inner child fashionista to shine.
9. Take a drive and sing along to songs from your youth—boy bands, Spice Girls, rock and roll, or 90’s hits.
10. Go to the park for lunch time and play on the swings. Effortless fun that indulges your inner child and lets you escape the stresses of daily life for a while.
We don't have to spend every second in play to enjoy the benefits. Spending even a few moments a day in play can have a huge impact on our happiness and productiveness. And whenever you start to think play is a waste, remember that play is the purest form of expressing love.
What are your favorite way to incorporate play?
Hugs and Kisses,
Image: Molly and Polly